Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Home Builder

If any of you have had the opportunity to travel, it can be a real eye opener seeing how others live outside the borders of the United States. My wife and I did some volunteer work in Columbia, Ecuador and Antigua. What I saw permanently change the way I perceive information about life. One of the things I came to appreciate was that no matter how bad conditions are, they can get worse and no matter how worse they become, people survive. Let me give you an example.
While in Ecuador we saw the inflation rate over the course of three years go up annually 30-60%! The unemployment rate for adult men hovered at 40%.
In this country we have come to view the news skeptically because the media likes to take the most emotional story and flame it until ratings slip and then off to something new. That’s how they sell ads and make their money. So, a story that may impact very few people in the past before mass media, now impacts a nation and even sometimes a globe.
Why bring this up in a house building newsletter? Well, if you have watched the news, you may feel the sky is falling, your job is daily on the chopping block and the money you need to survive will evaporate! And although the news of late is definitely “different” than what we have been used to in the past, and I certainly don’t posses a crystal ball, I can definitely say that things are nowhere near what other people have lived with, survived and enjoyed a measure of happiness in their own lives in countries that have far less to offer and condition are WAY worse than what we here have experienced. Perhaps you’d agree?
True Built Home experienced our best sales month in January and February is on track to beat January. Perhaps because we have the best product among our competitors? Maybe our customer service is the blood of our company? Maybe it’s because we are one of the few builders that can still obtain %100 financing for our borrows? Personally, we believe all of those things are true and the “X” factor. What’s the “X” factor? It’s a philosophy that is inherent or part of the True Built Home DNA. We don’t cut corners to find ways to build cheaper homes to “fatten” our corporate wallet. We encourage clients to listen to present, past and current clients to get to know our company, not ads and slick websites. If you do any research and come across credible sources that either speak favorably of a building company or gives you less than favorable report, than we call that the “X” factor. Or, it simply could be that there are people who still know the ring of truth when their hear it, and see it. We invite you to come by one of our office, appointment only for a look at our standard and upgrade products. We may have a home being built close by to take a look at as well.
Besides our incredible floor plans, what’s the number #1 reason clients order a True Built Home over others?
Our Standard Features!

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